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About IOSHM (Mauritius)

The Institution of Occupational Safety & Health Management (IOSHM) first known as the Association of Health and Safety Managers was founded in 1981 and is registered under the Registration of Association Act 1978. It is the oldest and most representative non-governmental and non-profit organisation grouping occupational safety and health officers and safety professionals in Mauritius. 


The objectives of the Institution:


•       Promote the profession of safety and health at work.

•       Look after the welfare of its members.

•       Delegate members to overseas studies, attachment, seminars with a view to improve their knowledge.

•       Advise members on questions relating to safety and health. 

•       Provide training in safety, health and environment both locally and internationally.




IOSHM aspires to be the leader in the promotion of safety and health in Mauritius, foster its code of professional conduct to members and encourage standards of excellence.


Mission Statement


IOSHM will promote safety and health awareness and responsibility among the citizens in the country and will:


•       Promote, plan and organise professional development and other related activities for its members and community at large.

•       Collaborate with the government on all matters pertaining to safety and health at work.

•       Secure partnership, working relationship and networking with employers, trade unions, professional bodies, educational institutions and international            organisations for the promotion of safety and health. 


Code of Ethics

Code of Professional Conduct              


In line with the objectives of the Institution, IOSHM has a Code of Professional Conduct (click on the PDF icon below) to which it expects its members to abide to. The IOSHM Committee may remove any member of the Institution if his conduct has been found prejudicial to the interests of IOSHM.

Collaboration with Business Mauritius

Business Mauritius is an independent association that represents over 1200 local businesses. It is the coordinating body and the voice of local business, and delivers services that sustain the progress of both business and community.


Business Mauritius stems from the merging, in October 2015, of two business associations, namely the Mauritius Employers Federation and the Joint Economic Council.


With the majority of members working in the private sector, IOSHM has collaborated with Business Mauritius on various occasions such as on the OSH Pack and various national tripartite committees on safety and health issues.

Full Member of APOSHO

IOSHM President, Mr. Dayanand Kurrumchand O.S.K. with Dr. David Leith (former IFAP President) at the APOSHO 26 Conference in Perth, Australia.

IOSHM is a full member of APOSHO since April 1994 and has hosted twice its Annual International Conference (16th Annual Conference at Le Labourdonnais Hotel, Caudan in April 2000 & 25th Annual Conference at La Pirogue Hotel, in April 2010.


The Asia-Pacific Occupational Safety and Health Organization (APOSHO) is an international body composed of non-profit professional organisations devoted to the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases. APOSHO has the full membership of more than 30 organisations from more than 20 countries / regions such as Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Mauritius.


The objectives of the APOSHO are to promote mutual understanding and cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region and to contribute to the enhancement of occupational safety and health practice through the exchange of information and views.

Member of INSHPO

The Institution is also a member of the International Network of Safety & Health Practitioner Organisations (INSHPO).


Founded in 2001 through the collaborative efforts of the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), Canadian Society of Safety Engineering (CSSE) and Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) in the U.K., INSHPO is an international organisation that represents generalist occupational safety and health practitioner organisations. By bridging geographical, political and economic boundaries, INSHPO provides an international forum for information exchange among these groups and gives them a unified voice in dealing with other organisations and international authorities. INSHPO also promotes the sharing of standards and best practices, and encourages the development of occupational safety and health at a professional level by promoting the highest ethical standards.



Memorandums of Understanding (MOU)

IOSHM has MOUs with the following organisations: 



The Institution of Occupational Safety & Health (IOSH - UK) is the chartered body for health and safety professionals. With more than 44,000 members, it is the world's biggest professional health and safety organisation and Europe's leading body for individuals with a professional involvement in occupational safety and health.


The Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency (KOSHA) was founded with an aim to build a safer and healthier working environment for all. It has concentrated on preventing accidents at workplaces, improving the working environment, and preventing occupational diseases as the official safety and health agency of the Republic of Korea.


The Institution is an MQA (Mauritius Qualifications Authority) registered training institution and has organised many workshops, seminars, continuous professional development (CPD) courses and conferences including two international conferences, the latest one being the Asia Pacific Occupational Safety and Health Organisation (APOSHO) 2010 International Conference at La Pirogue Hotel.


IOSHM members are also resource persons for courses organised by other institutions such as Business Mauritius. Our workshops and conferences are attended by any person having an interest in OSH.


IOSHM also delegates members to participate in international workshops organized by counterpart OSH organisations such as JISHA (Japan Industrial Safety & Health Association).

IOSHM member, Mr. Ponsamy (Pam) Kylasum making his presentation at the JISHA OSH Seminar (10th March to 14th March 2014, Tokyo, Japan)

To download our brochure click HERE. It contains information about our Institution and membership details. Our Code of Ethics / Professional Conduct and the IOSHM membership form can be downloaded in the DOWNLOADS page.

Filled-in application forms should be submitted to:

The Secretary

Institution of Occupational Safety & Health Management (IOSHM)

P.O. Box 23


Republic of Mauritius


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